The Fourth Summit of the Americas held in November, 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, took a narrower focus and concentrated on confronting the major challenges of the region in job creation and strengthening democratic governance. The 52 mandates that emanated from the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mar del Plata are grouped into the areas of:
Growth with Employment; Jobs to Fight Poverty; Training the Labor Force; Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises as an Engine of Job Growth; Framework for Creating Decent Work; and Strengthening Democratic Governance.
The Plan of Action of Mar del Plata considers each of the areas of the Declaration from three perspectives: National commitments, Hemispheric cooperation, and International organizations.
The Heads of State and Government defined specific actions to promote development through generation of employment, increase citizen participation in the employment sphere, encourage cooperation among governments, foster inclusive social dialogue, and stimulate investment in key areas for the creation of employment.