May 26, 2020

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This webinar falls under the cooperation initiatives being pursued by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, in the framework of implementation of the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, with the participating states, Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) entities, and civil society and social actors.

In such context, this seminar seeks to facilitate the sharing of experiences and deepen knowledge from the perspective of governments and civil society regarding the adoption and use of emerging technologies as instruments for the prevention and fight against corruption; including, in view of the need to take advantage of technologies in response actions to emergency situations such as the current global health crisis caused by COVID19.

The Lima Commitment of the VIII Summit of the Americas of 2018 "Democratic Governance Against Corruption" calls in its commitments 14 and 17 to " Promoting and or strengthening the implementation of national policies and plans, and as appropriate subnational plans in the areas of open government, digital government, open data, fiscal transparency, open budgeting, digital procurement systems, public contracting and a public registry of state suppliers", as well as " Promoting the use of new technologies that facilitate digital government in order to promote transparency, interaction with citizens and accountability, through development of tools for the identification, detection, systematization, and monitoring of government procedures." From the OAS General Secretariat, these commitments are met through the work carried out by the Department for Effective Public Management of the OAS against the mandates of member states in the areas of digital government, open data, open government, and government purchases, as Technical Secretariat of Red Gealc and RICG.

  • Final Report ES | EN
  • Agenda ES | EN
  • Biographies
  • Video
  • Opening Remarks: María Celina Conte, Acting Director, Summits of the Americas Secretariat ES | EN
  • Presentations: