The Santiago Summit of the Americas was jointly prepared, discussed and approved by all the Member countries. It is important to emphasize the active participation of sub-regional organizations such as that of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Rio Group.
The negotiations for a Declaration and a Plan of Action were carried out in the SIRG meetings with the support of the OAS, the IDB, the PAHO and ECLAC. Emphasis was given to social policies and essential matters of the Inter-American agenda, such as how to consolidate and improve the quality of democracy. Respect for human rights and the path to a Free Trade Area of the Americas, were also discussed.
The result of these deliberations produced a Declaration and Plan of Action of Santiago which contained 27 initiatives, each reflecting the common concerns of the different countries. The initiatives were grouped into the following subjects:
Preserving and Strengthening Democracy, Justice and Human Rights; Economic Integration and Free Trade; Eradication of Poverty and discrimination.